
ASYMCA of San Diego


Your Contribution to the Armed Services YMCA charity supports the Big Bay Boom and the services for our military families and Wounded Warriors.

Make a contribution with a Check, Credit Card or PayPal


Click the Donate Button to make a contribution.

Contact for sponsorships, contributions, or general information:
H. P. “Sandy” Purdon, Executive Producer/Founder
 Email Us

Support the Armed Services YMCA – San Diego Branch

Please help support this event and the Armed Services YMCA mission with a contribution.

We hope you’ll enjoy this exciting event that brings over 500,000 people to our bay to enjoy the celebration of the birth of our nation.   A recent study determined that the annual July 4th fireworks show on San Diego Bay called the “Big Bay Boom” creates $10.6 million of total economic benefit for the local economy.

Download a contribution form for a tax-deductible contribution that will significantly help make this show happen and will also help our young military families in San Diego through the Armed Services YMCA.

Our Event Mission

The net proceeds of the event will go to the  Armed Services YMCA whose goal is “to enhance the lives of military personnel and their family members in spirit, mind, and body, by providing programs that strengthen families and are relevant to the unique challenges of military life.”  Learn more about the  Armed Services YMCA